Solar Electric Installer

We provide full service solar electric system installations and quality repairs in the greater Sacramento Valley region.

Solar Hot Water Installer

We provide full service solar hot water system installations in the greater Sacramento Valley region.

Online Solar Sales

We provide online sales of solar equipment and professional consulting.

Solar Hot Water - Incentives

There are currently many incentives that make installing Solar systems at your home or business more affordable.

For Solar Domestic Hot Water systems (SDHW) the incentives are:

  • Utility rebate of roughly $1,500.
  • Federal tax credit of 30% of the installed system cost.
  • If you currently have an electric water heater and you are in SMUD territory SMUD offers financing of the entire system cost, with terms up to 10 years.

The combination of the rebate and the federal tax credit makes this type of system very affordable (Net cost in the $4,000 range) and the payback very quick.